How to use the Monthly Review

Part of managing our mental wellbeing is being able to reflect on what’s happened recently.  The things (good and bad) that have happened, how they made us feel, and how we managed ourself through them or enjoyed them.

To make this “review” process more standard and simple, we’ve developed a Monthly Wellbeing review that you can download below.  It’s just 1 file, 2-sides of A4 paper with some simple questions on it that will allow you to reflect on the past month.

We’ve made it “interactive”(which means you can type directly in to it – printing not required!) and we suggest you save the file in a secure folder where you can find it.  Use this as the master copy (you can always download it again if you need to) and save a new copy with a meaningful name (such as the date) every time you carry out your review.  That way you’ll always be able to look back and identify your successes and things that perhaps need a bit more work.

The monthly review is an incredibly useful tool as it lets us reflect and plan for the future.  Remember, CBT is re-training the brain and re-training needs practise!

Let us know how you get on!

Monthly Review

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