“I know that you say we should prioritise doing things for our mental health but I just really struggle with finding the time. There is always something to do. What do you suggest?”
A really common issue for many people and something I hear a lot. I’d like to ask you some questions here because a lot of it is based around mindset.
Firstly, why are all these other things more important than your mental health? Do you really need to do them all or is it because you will feel you’ve somehow failed if you don’t get everything done – if so, where did this thought come from? Then think about what would happen if you didn’t do everything and put aside some time for your mental health? Would the world end? No, it wouldn’t. Many times a lot of the things really don’t matter.
Secondly, all these things you are doing. Are some of them for people who should really be doing these things for themselves? By continuing to do them they aren’t learning to do things for themselves. Sometimes our ‘helping’ means that we are actually disempowering people.
Take time to sit down and review your schedule. What is a priority and what isn’t a priority (but is nice if you have the time)? Doing something for your mental health comes before that. In order to help with prioritising ask yourself what would happen if you didn’t do it. Then think about what happens if you neglect yourself mentally and physically?
We always make time to eat because we know we have to. Try to develop the same belief around your mental health. You matter.