Ensuring Social Media is a Positive for Mental Wellbeing

Ensuring Social Media is a Positive for Mental Wellbeing

Social Media can have a negative OR positive effect on our mental wellbeing.

This resource discusses how to ensure that our use of Social Media is having a positive impact, and what to do if it’s not.



Ensuring Social Media is a Positive

by Balanced People Ltd.


Social Media Monitoring

Social Media & Mental Health Worksheet

N.B. All our worksheets are in .pdf format (Adobe) and we recommend that you download each one to your device before using it.  Both of these worksheets can be completed using your phone, tablet or PC (printing is optional). 

The first worksheet is the “Social Media Monitoring” sheet, and the second is the “Social Media Mental Health” sheet.

Store them somewhere secure, and you will be able to refer back to them when you need to.

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Cooper

    An excellent resource Sam. Great advice on how to use social media in a positive way to enhance my online experience – avoiding the toxic side – to enhance rather than damage my mental health. Everyone needs to listen!

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