Balanced People Blogs
At Balanced People we believe in being open about what we do. As part of that we publish regular, helpful Blog posts about looking after your mental wellbeing, CBT and counselling, and anything else we can think of that might be useful!
How mental wellbeing is linked to physical health
Discover how closely linked our mental and physical health is! This will also explain why anxiety and stress causes physical reactions such as...
Why your safety behaviours are not helping you manage your anxiety
We all have safety behaviours of some description but many people don’t realise. Learn why safety behaviours are linked to anxiety and why they...
Managing stress – why mindset is key
Stress chemicals (Adrenaline & Cortisol) are not good for us, long-term. Learn two simple ways of managing your stress. Key message: If we can't...
How to relax and why you should
Relaxing is really important to our mental and physical health, but many people struggle to find the time or know how to do it properly. Learn why...
Understanding Anxiety
By understanding what anxiety is and reviewing how it affects our lives, we can decide whether or not we are effectively managing our anxieties....
Writing a Wellness at Work plan
A resource that looks at how we can help ourselves maintain good mental health whilst at work. Sam discusses why it's important, along with some...