Balanced People Blogs
At Balanced People we believe in being open about what we do. As part of that we publish regular, helpful Blog posts about looking after your mental wellbeing, CBT and counselling, and anything else we can think of that might be useful!
What actually is ‘Masking’?
"I hear a lot of people talking about ‘masking’, either around neurodiverse conditions such as Autism, or around mental health issues such a...
Recognising the signs that your mental wellbeing is low
We all have our own indicators that we are feeling less resilient and struggling mentally. Learn what yours are so you can recognise them early and...
Recognising your fight/flight/freeze/fawn response
Whilst many people understand the fight flight freeze response, they don’t understand how many of their behaviours around stress, anxiety and fear...
Positive working practises for your mental wellbeing
You look after your physical health at work, why not look after your mental wellbeing?ResourcesAudioWorksheetN.B. All our worksheets are in .pdf...
Managing Self-criticism
This one speaks for itself. Do you frequently find yourself being your own worst critic? Feel like you're always giving yourself a hard time? Learn...
Improving your discomfort tolerance
Learning to manage your anxiety includes learning to feel uncomfortable and be ok with that. The lower your discomfort tolerance, the more anxiety...
Is it depression or sadness?
Many people struggle to recognise when they are depressed as opposed to just feeling a bit down or sad. Learn what is the difference between...
Boosting Self Esteem
Our self-esteem plays a major part in our mental wellbeing so it’s important we have health self-esteem. Learn how to boost and support your...
Reframing Failure
Everybody fails. It’s an important part of life. How we manage failure is an important part of being able to move forward and not let the failure...
Getting the most out of your membership
Sam tells you how to use the resources, and how to get the most out of your membership of Balanced People!ResourcesAudioWorksheetThere is no...