Balanced People Blogs
At Balanced People we believe in being open about what we do. As part of that we publish regular, helpful Blog posts about looking after your mental wellbeing, CBT and counselling, and anything else we can think of that might be useful!
Mental Health – the 3 worst things you can say to yourself
How often do we find that our worst critic is ourselves? I don’t know about you but I say some horrible stuff to myself at times. Quite frankly, I’m...
How do you manage to have a work life balance and not just spend your time feeling guilty?
How do you manage to have a work life balance and not just spend your time feeling guilty, either guilty about working when you should be spending time with the family or guilty about the amount of work not being completed when you spend time with the family.
Can CBT be Harmful?
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a generally safe and effective form of therapy, it’s very unlikely to have caused you any emotional damage....
I feel so angry about everything! Why?
There could be many reasons why you feel angry about everything. Are you in pain, are you struggling in life and others aren’t, are you tired and drained? Is there something that has recently happened that has potentially caused this anger? Anger is a normal emotion following a life change but should pass.
Setting boundaries with ‘Toxic’ people
Toxic people, have a negative impact of your mental wellbeing. They can be colleagues, family members or supposed friends. Learn how to set...
A friend of mine has just lost their parent and I don’t know what to say or how to help. What can I do?
A friend of mine has just lost their parent and I don’t know what to say or how to help. What can I do?” Supporting people who have lost a loved one can be really difficult. When people are sad and distressed we automatically want to cheer them up, tell them to look
5 Biggest misconceptions about Mental Health
5 biggest misconceptions around mental health There are a wide range of misconceptions around mental health which contribute to the stigma and...
Being a confident public speaker.
Speaking in public is something that many people fear. However, lots of people do it very successfully. Learn what is at the root of your fear and...
Having difficult conversations about suicide
Discussing suicide is something that many people avoid doing for fear of drastic consequences if they get it wrong. However, we know that discussing...
Using Behavioural Activation to help with depression/low mood
Behavioural activation is a simple yet very effective form of therapy that helps people overcome depression and low mood. It’s also ideal for...