Balanced People Blogs
At Balanced People we believe in being open about what we do. As part of that we publish regular, helpful Blog posts about looking after your mental wellbeing, CBT and counselling, and anything else we can think of that might be useful!
I feel really wronged by my husband and am struggling to move on from it…
"A few years ago my husband did something that I thought was unfair and disrespectful to me. He doesn’t see it that way and thinks I am overreacting...
Promoting exercise for positive mental health? Here’s why it’s not inclusive, and it may also be wrong.
Promoting exercise for positive mental health? Here's why it's not inclusive, and it may also be wrong. Let’s be clear. I’m not saying that exercise...
I’m so angry at being wronged and the other person has had no consequences. What can I do?
"I'm so angry at being wronged and the other person has had no consequences. What can I do?" I felt your anger as I was reading this, and to be...
Five ways teachers and support staff make a difference to the world.
Working in education can be incredibly demoralising. Everyone seems to have an opinion of how ‘education’ should be done properly and it can feel...
Reasons why therapy/counselling may not work
Therapy can be a very effective way to improve mental health and wellbeing but it’s not instant. It takes time and commitment. Additionally, there...
Being physically strong doesn’t mean you’re mentally strong
Let’s be clear, I’m not sporty. Anyone who knows me knows that. I have no desire to complete any physical challenges to prove myself. To be...
I have someone close to me who isn’t happy, but won’t do anything to change it
"I have someone close to me who isn't happy in their life but just won't do anything to change it. Every time I see them they moan about the same...
No time to relax? Here’s what you’re missing out on…
When I talk about the importance of relaxing for positive mental wellbeing I often hear cynical laughter. Time to relax? What planet are you on...
A friend of mine is always moaning she feels fat.
"I have a friend who continually complains about how fat she is and how bad she eats. She makes a big deal of having a bloated stomach and...
I really want to do stuff for me, but I never get the time.
"I know that you say we should prioritise doing things for our mental health but I just really struggle with finding the time. There is always...